From Our Bookshelf
​Book Reviews
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Reviewers Wanted
For a limited time only
We are giving away a Girls Read to Write collectors pin for the first 10 reviews we publish.
We are looking for honest Book Reviews/Reflections from young ladies 8-17 years old as well as reviews from Parents/Guardians.
You can check out our Book Club Reads page and review one of the books listed or review one of your favorite books.
Book Reviews & Reflections Guidelines
Only Picture books, Chapter books, Middle Grade, and Young Adult books will be considered for reviews/reflections.
Please no profanity or inappropriate language shall be included in the reviews/reflections.
Please no cultural, racial, gender-orientated bias shall be included in the review unless the review is addressing the situation in an intellectual manner. A review that is deemed racist or cultural or gender-orientated insensitive will not be considered for publication.
All reviews/reflections will be considered published, if Girls Read to Write post it to From Our Bookshelf. But, all writers hold the copyright to their work and we ask that you credit Girls Read to Write from publishing it first.
Response time for acceptance of Book Reviews/Reflections could be from a week to a month.
Follow the specific Word Count for each (Book Review) :
Picture Books: 50-100
Chapter Books: 100-200
Middle Grade: 200-400
Young Adult: 300-500
*REFLECTIONS should be 500-1,000 words
We use a Pencil rating as part of our review. The range is (3) Pencils through (5) Pencils. The ratings are used as a way to recommend books to fellow readers.
(3) Pencils = Ok
(4) Pencils = Good
(5) Pencils = Great
Please read Book Report vs Book Review and Tips on Reviewing Fiction before submitting your Review/Reflections.
*Reflections are extended Book Reviews that can incorporate the Book Reviewer's personal connection with the themes in the book.
Please submit your book review on this Form.