Svaha Williams
Svāhā Williams is an 8-year-old dynamo. Her screen credits include documentaries, independent films, TV, news broadcasts, and a music video. She plays the cello, and is heavily inspired by Kanye West, Solange, and Kelsey Lu. Sometimes she collaborates on cool stuff with her parents. She is excited about exploring an art career merging music, performance, film, and fashion. Svāhā credits her Grandma Lavern, Aunt Priscilla, and Auntie Chantal for gifting her the ability to write songs and journal.
2nd Prize-Flash Fiction
When The Fun Is Over I Miss Them The Most
by Svaha Williams
When I’m in my room alone, day or night, I am scared. I sense something more, or maybe, someone? I feel their eyes watching my every move. Enemies, spies, killers, strangers who can hurt me in some way. But then again, they could be friends, family, healers, ancestors, or angels protecting me from demons. I feel like a failure when I’m afraid of this little kid stuff. So, what is there? You. You are there! You are what I am afraid of! You are watching me! Tell me now, WHO ARE YOU and what are you here for?